
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2011 angezeigt.

First Trip in 2011

Our first trip in 2011 will take us to Walsh capital Cardiff on February 12th.   Der erste Trip im Jahr 2011 wird uns in Wales' Hauptstadt Cardiff am 12. Februar fuehren.

Ireland - General Election On March 11th, 2011

After the resignation of 6 ministers over the last couple of days, the Irish government set Friday, March 11th, 2011 as the date for a general election. More information here .  Nach Rücktritten von 6 Ministern in den letzten Tagen hat die irische Regierung nun Freitag, den 11. März 2011 bestimmt um Neuwahlen abzuhalten. Mehr Information dazu hier . 

Our December 2010 Trip To Germany

In an effort to fight January blues back in Dublin, we spent this weekend reminiscing our last trip in Germany. Despite being a busy period for us - with Caroline working remotely some days- it was nice to spend time with family, especially since Sebastian hadn't been home for Christmas the past 8 years. The biggest achievement for us though, was the fact that we managed to register our Irish marriage in Dingelstädt, where both of us are now registered officially. As expected of German bureaucracy, there was a huge amount of paperwork involved, but we were successful. A highlight for Sebastian was the Subway to Sally concert in Erfurt that turned into a family event with 7 of us attending. This was Sebastian's 17th concert of this band! We "slid" into the new year in Dresden where we spent 3 nights with Sebastian's parents. Our return flight was uneventful as most flight operations were back to normal after the snow disruptions before Christmas. If you want to k...

IT Recommendation: Jolicloud

Sebastian just installed a new Operating System that was released last October 2010: Jolicloud . Jolicloud is an Ubuntu-based Linux Operating System. It works with free software (in a cloud) and is similar to the highly anticipated, not yet released, Google Chrome OS. Jolicloud is fast, power efficient and ideal even for elderly net books.  Sebastian hat gerade ein neues Betriebssystem, welches im Oktober 2010 veroeffentlicht wurde, installiert. Es handelt sich dabei um Jolicloud . Jolicloud ist ein Ubuntu-basiertes Linux Betriebssystem. Es arbeitet mit freier Software (in der sogenannten 'Cloud') und ist aehnlich wie das heiss erwartete, aber noch nicht veroeffentlichte Google Chrome OS. Jolicloud ist schnell, energiesparend und ideal auch fuer aeltere Netbooks .

Something Funny

Not only Ireland can integrate roundabouts on their roads, sometimes no-one actually knows the sense behind. You may watch the video below that was recorded in Erfurt, Germany - a roundabout that nobody understands...  Nicht nur Irland kann Kreisverkehre ohne Sinn in Strassen integrieren. Das Video hier zeigt einen Kreisverkehr in Erfurt, Deutschland, den niemand versteht.. .

Back In Dublin

Arrived back in Dublin last night after 1.5 weeks in very cold and snowy Germany. A short report and photos to follow soon. Nach 1,5 Wochen im kalten und verschneiten Deutschland sind wir nun wieder in Dublin seit gestern Abend. Einen kleinen Bericht und Fotos folgen sehr bald.

Happy 2011!

Caroline & Sebastian wish you all a happy new and successful year 2011. Caroline & Sebastian wünschen allen ein frohes neues und erfolgreiches Jahr 2011.